If you’re not busy preparing for your July 4th barbecue and crossing state lines for fireworks, then you’re probably hiding inside with the air conditioning cranked waiting for this month’s selections of stories, releases and other assorted Internet goodies that have been filling up our browser tabs. But never fear, it is here. A podcast of legends, predictions for the future, a different type of creative space, ambient jams, and psychedelic VR. Dig in…
another broken record
Another podcast link? Yea, but this is Rick Rubin and Malcolm Gladwell sitting down with an assorted cast of exceptional artists; some of whom you will know, and some, you won’t. Rubin’s chat with Beastie Boys and Spike Jonze is a great place to start.
Broken Record Episode 51 – Beastie Boys & Spike Jonze
but will there be sonic the hedgehog?
How prevalent will VR and AR headsets be amongst gamers in ten years? Hear it from the horse’s mouth and read up on Unity CEO John Riccitiello’s thoughts on the matter.
Unity CEO Predicts AR-VR Headsets Will Be as Common as Game Consoles by 2030
let’s work together, come on, come on, let’s work together
Joseph Gordon Leavitt started HITRECORD as an online community made to inspire artists and creatives to collaborate. Now there’s 80k people doing it daily. Pick a project and dig in.
unreleased eno – that is all
Brian Eno teams up with Sonos to release a vault of unreleased music? Where do I sign up? We asked the same question. Click the link below to redeem your prize.
Brain Eno Launches Sonos Radio Station With Unreleased Music
turn on, tune in, drop out
In a meaningful step for using VR as a form of compassionate care by simulating psychedelic experiences, Tripp raises a Series A to make mindfulness immersive. Perhaps a collaboration with a live music experience in VR could be in the cards?
Psychedelic VR Meditation Startup Tripp Raises $11 Million Series A