April flowers may bring May showers, but April stories about AI brings…more stories about AI. Actually, we promise that we’ve rounded up all the stories about the approaching singularity into one section and devoted the bulk of this month’s wrap-up to other topics. But still, all signs point to the dawn of our robot overlords quickly approaching. And on that cheery note, enjoy May’s …now you know.
headset different
Apple’s entry into any market is a significant event, and when they invest in a sector, it is a powerful validation of that market’s potential. Their significant Vision Pro and visionOS announcements today not only underscore the importance of blended realities as a transformative technology but also signal a profound shift in the digital landscape, with wide-ranging implications for the creative world.
Will Apple’s XR Headset Help us ‘Think Different’ About the Metaverse?
on a quest
While Meta’s come under no shortage of fire for its stumbles entering the metaverse, it continues to turn out some of the most impressive hardware in the space. The coming soon Meta Quest 3 looks like a significant improvement over its predecessors, offering high-resolution color mixed reality, better displays and resolution, and is 40% lighter and more comfortable. Sounds like Zuck is onto something.
Mark Zuckerberg unveils $500 Meta Quest 3 launching this fall
ai round-up
As promised, while AI continues to dominate the headlines, we don’t need it dominating this monthly round-up, so here’s a quick-hitter list of everything work checking out:
- ‘The Godfather of A.I.’ Leaves Google and Warns of Danger Ahead
- Superintelligence, the idea that eats smart people
- Artificial intelligence and the music industry: Harmonious or harmful?
- Generative AI Podcasts Are Here. Prepare to Be Bored.
- A.I. May Help Design Your Favorite Video Game Character
- CNET Workers Unionize as ‘Automated Technology Threatens Our Jobs’
- Paragraphica (cool AI camera tool)
- TheresAnAIForThat
- AI Generated Pizza Commercial
proud mary
And finally, we’d be remiss if we didn’t end with a fond farewell to an absolute force of nature, the woman the New York Times rightfully called a “magnetic singer with explosive power,” the one and only Tina Turner. Rest in power, you will be missed.