Beware the madness of March, for even beyond the busting of nearly all brackets, this month was filled with what has now become a paradoxically predictable amount of groundbreaking news. Hey, at least things were (relatively) quiet on the Kanye West front.
With all the chaos it’s entirely possible you missed some of the most important, interesting, or just flat out cool news of the month, so as always, we’re here to save the day. Without further ado, welcome to the latest …now you know.
meta’s mixed reality
Meta’s Reality Labs division delivered a roadmap presentation this month laying out its AR and VR efforts, including its first pair of smart glasses with a neural interface smartwatch, and its first pair of full-fledged AR glasses. On the VR side, Zuck’s new Quest 3 headset promises to be two times thinner, at least twice as powerful, and also be slightly more than the Quest 2’s $400 price tag. At this point it’s clear there won’t be any one magic product that catapults the mainstream into VR, but the baby steps continue to be taken.
As long as we’re in the Meta-verse (get it?), it’s worth a mention that they’ve also rolled out their own “blue check mark” subscription service, Meta Verified. For better or worse, once again Elon leads the way.
This is Meta’s AR / VR hardware roadmap for the next four years
Meta launches paid verification subscription service in U.S.
all hail the death bats club
Things have been going…let’s say not great…for Ticketmaster lately, but the concert giant is pushing forward anyway with its first crypto wallet integration for Avenged Sevenfold’s upcoming tour. NFT holders will get priority access to tickets and reserved seating with no queues, joining similar web3 fan community experiments from the likes of The Chainsmokers and Steve Aoki. Now we just gotta get T Swift onto the blockchain.
Ticketmaster Tests NFT-Enabled Pre-Sales With Avenged Sevenfold Tour
ego dissolution escape effect
Welcome to the singularity. At the Mindscape ketamine center in Houston psychedelic therapists are pairing drug journeys with virtual reality headsets connected to the app Tripp, which provides guided meditations, ethereal sounds, and abstract visuals to create an immersive experience. It’s a fascinating look at the ways in which technology can potentially heal.
And while we’re in the world of audio mind expansion, you should take a quick dip into the world of binaural beats; aka sound frequencies purported to have a psychedelic effect. Does it work? Probably not. Is it worth a shot anyway? Why not?
Ketamine Therapy and Virtual Reality Together? Welcome to the Future
Psychedelic Sound: Can Binaural Beats Get You High?
bold king cole
Looking for a way to procrastinate for 10 minutes without feeling completely unproductive? We’ve got you covered. We won’t ruin the joy of discovery for you, so all we’ll say is font size + video source = a lot of fun. Enjoy.