Japanese girl knock out band Otoboke Beaver are teaming with Supersphere for the most recent installment of the company’s immersive concert series. The Kyoto quartet will debut a performance from their hometown exclusively in the Venues app (available on the Oculus Quest platform) on Friday, March 12, at 5PM PT. An encore performance will air for Japanese fans on March 19, at 3 AM Pacific.
Fans can register for the event here.
Fresh off the news of the band’s appearance as a part of SXSW Online 2021, Otoboke Beaver is becoming increasingly in demand for their self-described, “deranged, crazy and wacky” live shows, playing in major festivals including Coachella and the Netherland’s Lowlands Festival.
After a collaboration at SXSW 2019, Supersphere stayed in touch with the band in hopes of working together once again. The 2020 global pandemic put a wrench in those plans, but after confirming details for a performance from Japan, the Supersphere team built an immersive travel camera rig to send to the band, allowing them to present a hometown show to fans around the world.
“Otoboke Beaver is my spirit animal,” said Supersphere co-founder Doug Allenstein. “They’re the perfect band to kick your COVID blues in the ass.”